7 Reasons To Take The Bus

Here are seven reasons to consider taking the bus:
In the deeply entrenched hierarchy of transportation options, flying has always been comfortable
in its position above all others. Recently, air travel's superior convenience has been eroded by crowded routes, increasing delays, and long security lines. At the same time, increases in fuel
prices have made budget fares difficult to find. By now, the glamor of flight has faded in the eyes
of most travelers.
Meanwhile, a once lowly mode of transportation, the bus, has been working hard to craft its niche in the budget market. More comfortable buses and cheaper fares are covering more routes than ever before.
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Here are seven reasons to consider taking the bus:
1. Cost
Low cost airlines have made huge progress but even at their most discounted, it is hard to compete with the bus.
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2. Coverage
Cheap buses have always been available to take you around town, but it used to be that longer routes were limited to trips between metropolitan cities. Recently, however, these low cost buses have dramatically increased their route coverage.
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3. Time
I know what you are thinking: sounds good, but the bus is so slow. It is true that while the bus plods along around 55 mph, the airplane is high above, cruising at hundreds of miles an hour. But when you add up connection times and layovers, indirect routes that cater to an airline's hubs instead of your travel plans, and the time it takes to get to and from airports, the time savings in transit are drastically reduced.
The bus, which has a main station in the center of most cities, may indeed get you there faster, especially if you are traveling to a nearby city. I don't even want to get into the hassle caused by delayed, canceled or missed airline connections, but it does remind me of my next point...
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4. Reliability
The bus will continue driving though conditions that would stop your personal car, let alone an airplane. It is very rare for a bus to be canceled and, in my experience, the companies know their routes well enough that significant delays are rare (though they do occur, of course). When you book a bus ticket you can be almost guaranteed that the bus will depart as scheduled.
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5. Its More Green
Many analysts say that one flight produces the same amount of CO2 per person per mile as if the passengers were driving alone in separate cars. In addition, airplanes emit many other harmful materials and it all goes directly into the upper atmosphere. The result of this, we are told, is that the damage to the atmosphere done by flying is almost twice that of driving the same number of miles in a car. When you look at the numbers, a full bus is much more gentle on the environment than a flight of the same distance. That said, the debate is ongoing.
6. Free Wi-Fi
The second major complaint commonly voiced about bus travel, after its perceived slowness, is that it is uncomfortable. Interestingly, as many airlines stripamenities to become more bus-like, some bus lines have taken action to make travel more comfortable by providing services such as Free Wi-Fi!
7. Flexibility
Many bus lines offer exceptional flexibility with their tickets.
The humble bus is coming back as a cheap and friendly alternative to flying. With the environmental controversy, security and scheduling hassles, and increasing prices and safety concerns, why not give this old, budget travel standby, another chance?
If you’re planning on taking a trip soon, Visit https://www.parveentravels.com/parveen-travels/ to book your splendid bus journey today!
